Guideline Revision History

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University Hospital Waterford & South East Hospitals Antimicrobial Guideline

HSE South East Hospital Guidelines for the Empiric Use of Antimicrobials in Adults

University Hospital Waterford

Kilcreene Regional Orthopaedic Hospital

Tipperary University Hospital

St Luke’s Hospital, Kilkenny

Wexford General Hospital

First issue: June 2006

Revision: No 14

Approval Date: August 2024

Review Date: August 2027

South East Antimicrobial Stewardship Group


Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information and material contained in this document, errors or omissions may occur in the content. We acknowledge that new evidence may emerge that may over take some of these recommendations. The guideline will be reviewed regularly and revised at a minimum of every 3 years. Prescribers should ensure that the correct drug and dose is prescribed, as is appropriate for each individual patient. References that should be used in conjunction with these guidelines include the British National Formulary (BNF), the drug data sheets and SPCs. Clinical guidelines are guidelines only and the interpretation and application of the guidelines remains the responsibility of the individual clinician.

Changes for this Edition – Revision No. 13 (August 2023)

General Guidance on Antimicrobial Prescribing

  • Updated fluoroquinolone warnings throughout guideline with link to 2023 HPRA drug safety newsletter attached. Inclusion of neuropsychiatric disorders as potential fluoroquinolone ADR.

Antimicrobial Susceptibility

  • Section updated in line with EUCAST changes to the interpretation of antimicrobial susceptibility testing.
  • Common examples included of increased dose regimens when susceptibility reported as ‘I’ Susceptible, increased exposure.

Central Nervous System & ENT

  • Review of acyclovir dosing for meningitis and viral encephalitis. Terminology changed from Obese Dosing Weight to Adjusted Body Weight throughout.


  • Review of cefuroxime dosing for Sepsis in Pregnancy to 1.5g QDS.
  • Inclusion of link to National Clinical Practice Guideline Prevention of Early-Onset GBS in Term Infants 2023.

Urinary Tract Infection

  • Update to nitrofurantoin dosing in acute simple cystitis - Immediate release VS prolonged release dosing options included.


  • Addition of Helicobacter pylori section with link to HSE Antimicrobial Prescribing Guideline.
  • Clostridium difficile section revised in line with updated HSE AMRIC C. diff Infection Treatment Guidance 2023.

Genital Tract Infection

  • Addition of Epididymo-orchitis section including link to HSE antibiotic prescribing guidelines.

Bone and Joint Infection

  • Removal of sodium fusidate as adjunct treatment option.


  • Addition of malaria section adapted from UHW guideline with Riamet pregnancy disclaimer included. Please refer to local hospital policy for out of hours medication supply.

Teicoplanin Dosing Schedule

  • Reformatting of dosing section to include table for moderate and deep-seated infections.
  • Information on teicoplanin trough levels including when TDM should be carried out.

IV to PO switch

  • Section updated with inclusion of high dose oral options for complex/severe infections.

Formulae for Ideal Body Weight, Adjusted Body Weight, Body Mass Index and Body Surface Area

  • Standardisation of terminology from Obese Dosing Weight to Adjusted Body Weight throughout guidelines. Hyperlinks to “Ideal Body Weight and Adjusted Body Weight” and “Body Mass Index and Body Surface Area” calculators were also added throughout to facilitate ease of formulae calculation.

Creatinine Clearance Calculator

  • Addition of link to MdCalc Creatinine Clearance (Cockrauft&Gault) calculator.

Revision No. 13.1 (March 2024)

Surgical Prophylaxis Guidelines

  • Revision of South East Acute Hospitals Surgical Prophylaxis Guidelines
    • Incorporation of National Surgical Antibiotic Prophylaxis Duration Position Statement - October 2021
    • Review of Dosage and Administration by Type of Surgical Procedures

Revision No. 13.2 (May 2024)


  • Update to wording with heightened emphasis on requirement for dose adjustments in both renal impairment and obesity.


  • Formatting update for “Sepsis of Undetermined Origin/Source Unclear” to emphasise importance of amikacin addition if history of infection or colonisation with gentamicin resistant Gram-negative bacteria, severe illness or septic shock.

Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis

  • Update to Ceftriaxone dosing for SBP in line with Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Management of Ascites, Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis and Hepatorenal Syndrome: 2021 Practice Guidance by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases.

Revision No. 14 (July & August 2024)

Penicillin Allergy Antibiotic Prescribing Aid

  • Update to “Penicillin Allergy” section with addition of a Penicillin Allergy Antibiotic Prescribing Aid.


  • Update to Teicoplanin Dosing Schedule to include target “reference ranges” and further detail in relation to indications for moderate/deep-seated infections.


  • Update to Amikacin Dosing Schedule to include maximum treatment course of 15g.


  • Addition of Tobramycin Dosing Schedule to “Algorithms and Appendices.”


  • Addition of Cefiderocol to reserve list
Surgical Prophylaxis Guidelines
  • Correction to section 5.6.3: GI PEG insertion single dose surgical prophylaxis.